Where Was I?

“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.”  — Nelson Mandela


Dear readers,

So…. it’s been a while since I’ve been on here or even posted anything. I’m sorry. In my last post (Trip To The ER By Myself), I said I would be back January 8th, 2023, and it is now June 4th, 2023. I’m a couple of months late, and I’m sorry for that. I am back now and ready to post blogs — hopefully — consistently!

For the past five or so months, I’ve been struggling quite a bit with my usual bowl of fucked-upness, depression, anxiety, and chronic migraines. The holidays are always rough on me, and it’s been hard to bounce back or even find the motivation to write, whether creative or blog writing. The school has also taken up a lot of my time, and there will be a new blog post about some stuff I found frustrating about school.

It’s now summer as I’m writing this, and I have created a notion dashboard that I have taken some inspiration from other people on the internet and included my own stuff to suit my needs better. It took a while for me to be able to get everything transferred and also set up every aspect of my notion dashboard, but it is finally done. I have three sections: my blogging dashboard, creative writing dashboard and social media dashboard. I also have a master calendar where I put in when I want to complete certain one-shots/chapters or blog posts and when I want to edit and post them.

I have also created a schedule of when I usually want things to be up. Sundays are my blog posting days, so expect a blog post on Sundays — hopefully weekly — and I would post the quotes on my social media (Instagram and Pinterest) whenever the post goes up. I plan to post them at six AM every Sunday, but that is if I can schedule a post on everything first. If not, I would choose another time and keep it consistent. On Mondays, that is my one-shot posting day. If I wanted to post a one-shot, it would go up on Monday. On Friday is my multiple chapters stories, so once I get a book finished and ready to publish, I post a chapter every Friday. Lastly, Saturdays are my editing days, and any other day is my writing/planning day. I am praying I can stick to this schedule and hopefully get everything up and running into a more consistent schedule.

If you read some of my previous posts before this one, you would notice I don’t really add photos to my post. The only one that has an image in my post is “School + Mental Health = Chaos,” and I want to add more photos. The photo attached to this post is a screenshot of the notion board’s top. Very simple, and pictures that are attached to almost every single one of my online presence, i.e. Wattpad, AO3, Pinterest, Medium, Instagram, and Tumblr. I plan to add a photo that I feel best represents the post, or I would attach the image for a quote to the post.

Lastly, WordPress. I decided to create a WordPress and am transferring all my Medium posts to my WordPress website. I would also put my creative writing on WordPress and attach links to my AO3 account. You need an account on Wattpad, and if someone doesn’t have it, I am not sure if they could read it even without an account but with AO3, you can read as a guest, so I might do that. I want my WordPress website to be where all my writing is in one place, and hopefully, I can get a “chat” section where I can post random announcements or anything I want to say that doesn’t fit into my blog.

Either way, this is what I’ve been up to and what I plan to continue moving forward. I truly hope you enjoy what I have coming up as I have a blog post planned for the next month and a series I want to start on here, but that one would take a couple of months to finalize before it goes up.

Click here for my WordPress Website!!!

Thank you for reading; I hope you have a fantastic day or night or whenever you’re reading.

A. B💜


The reason for the bow and arrow emojis is that I found this explanation of the bow and arrow and fell in love. One can take any symbol to mean whatever they want, so your meaning of a bow and arrow might differ from mine, and that’s okay. A bow and arrow help me keep my hope and determination in my future. An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it will launch you into something extraordinary. Just remember to focus and keep your aim.


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