My Plan Moving Forward

 “Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” ~ Dwayne Johnson


Dear readers,

Looking at my profile, you will notice I’ve gone MIA. In 2024, I posted only three times, and in 2023, I posted only twice. Yikes. I’m so sorry I’ve been in and out (mostly out) with my blogs.

I posted ‘Where Was I?’ back in June 2023, and in that post, I said I’d be more consistent, and well… I wasn’t. 

Is this another “I’ll be more consistent from now” post? Yes.

But before anyone doesn’t believe me, I’ve made my goal smaller and more manageable.

When I made that post in June 2023, my goal was to go back to posting weekly on Sunday mornings. That was a lot to commit to at the time. I thought, “Well, I did it once, and I can do it again,” but I couldn’t. I was in a weird writer’s block moment, and my school life was failing. I was in a new relationship that took up all my attention, and writing wasn’t a priority. I’m sad that writing wasn’t my priority, and I want to change that.

I love writing. It’s the one thing in my life that has remained consistent and is my favourite outlet. I get so excited when a new book idea comes to me. I am so happy to build a world from scratch. I get so excited about putting my words on paper. I love it. I love every aspect of it. Even when I’m starting a new book, and I only want to write the climax, but I have to write the beginning chapters. I love how the rest of the world fades away whenever I start to write, and it’s just me and my words. I love the challenges that come with writing. I love the escapism it allows me. I love it. 

So… I want to prioritize writing again. I don’t want to lose sight of my writing ever again. 

My plan for the blog is to post at least once a month. Now, I know that if I want to build a following, I would need to post more. But I want consistency so that when—hopefully—I do post weekly, it’s consistent, and the followers I build then would get something every Sunday. But I’m not there yet. So, baby steps. 

I will post on my blog at least one Sunday morning every month. I may sometimes post twice that month, hell, maybe even three times, but once is my goal. That is what I’m focused on. One day, I will go bi-weekly, hopefully weekly, but I will start with once a month first. I want to say the first Sunday of every month, but I haven’t decided yet. It most likely will be—knowing me—but I don’t want to set it in stone just yet.

My end goal is to make money off of my blog/writing. This is funny because when I first started writing—especially when Turn of Events – Larry Stylinson AU came out—I didn’t want writing to be my job. I was scared. After all, I didn’t want to consider it a job because I didn’t want my writing to be a chore. But I’ve realized now that making money off of something I love won’t be too bad. Being an author is my dream job, but I have other jobs/careers I would love to do, and I won’t mind writing to be a side hustle. 

Either way, I want to get money from this because living is expensive.

I want to build myself a good portfolio, so I currently have 89 stories on my Wattpad and AO3 account and 20 blog posts. I’m proud of those numbers. But now, I want to have some scheduling/consistency for my blog posts. I know with creative writing, having something new every week is hard, especially because writing a story takes a long time, so I’m not going to make myself stick to a schedule where I would only produce mediocre work.

I have created a logo, re-edited my WordPress website, and made myself a Blogger website to get something from Adsense. I’ve rebranded my Instagram, so now all of my stories and blog posts are promoted there. I’m working on doing the same for my Pinterest, and I have a Ko-Fi account where I accept donations.

As I’m writing this, I realize I sound like I want you to pay me. That’s not the purpose. I do want to make money off of my writing, but my writing itself comes first. If you wish to donate, I’ll be so thankful, but if you don’t, then it's okay. I love that you are reading this.

Down the line, I would get a premium on WordPress to monetize that or join the Medium membership program. But with Medium, I don’t know how much the membership program would help me since my profile doesn’t qualify for the paid partnership writing thing.

I want to invest in my writing, but I feel like I should work on sticking to a schedule before I spend money on it because I can’t expect other people to spend money on me if I can’t keep a schedule.

So, to sum it all up, expect a post from me on a Sunday of every month.

Thank you for reading



The reason for the bow and arrow emojis is that I found this explanation of the bow and arrow and fell in love. One can take any symbol to mean whatever they want, so your meaning of a bow and arrow might differ from mine, and that’s okay. A bow and arrow helps me keep my hope and determination in my future. An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it will launch you into something extraordinary. Just remember to focus and keep your aim.

Ko-Fi: Want to Donate? Here is my Ko-Fi account

If you want to reach out via other means:

Tumblr: @WriterAttHeart

Archive Of Our Own: @WriterAttHeart

Wattpad: @WriterAttHeart

Instagram: @writer.att.heart

Pinterest: @WriterAttHeart


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