Not Doing Makeup As A Teen

“I believe that all women are pretty without makeup, but the right makeup can be pretty powerful” — Bobby Brown


Dear readers,

Hi there, I’m a twenty-year-old girl who recently got into makeup.

I want to clarify something: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with makeup and playing around with makeup at any age; the problem I see here is using makeup as a mask. For me personally, as a teenager, I struggled — still do — with a lot of insecurities. I had acne-prone skin, and it didn’t help that I was a picker and would pick and pop my pimples to the point where it’s bleeding and had now turned into a scab. I did not look cute and was like this for about four/five years. The one good thing that came out of it was that I was so used to my skin riddled with pimples and scabs that it became normal, I was still insecure about them but not to point where I hid away from it.

As I got older, my skin started cleaning up, and I slowly got into skincare; I began to feel more confident. What I liked about this graduation into confidence was that I felt confident with my bare skin and not because I was wearing makeup or anything like that. I became more comfortable and confident in my skin, and when I got interested in makeup, I always liked the more natural-looking makeup. Don’t get me wrong, I love adding colour and playing around with eyeshadow — my favourite thing to do, eye makeup — but now I see makeup as a way to highlight my features versus changing or hiding.

I think it’s important to find the reasoning behind doing something. For example, makeup is a great way to get creative, or it can be an outlet for many people, but if you do makeup to impress someone, fit in or hide/change features because society told you, that’s not a good reason. Make up in of itself, it not a problem, I think the way people use it is the issue. If you like doing full-face makeup every day, that’s great! It’s your face, your choice, but I hope you are doing the full face of makeup for yourself because you like it and not because of outside forces.

Not doing makeup as a teen had helped me with some of my insecurities with my physical appearance, and I became okay with how I looked and came to like it. I needed that to get to where I am today. As a teenager I compared myself constantly to everyone else, I did things because other people were doing it and I copied everyone. I changed who I was so many times that I had no idea who I was for about three to four years. I was easily impressionable, and I would do anything to fit in. I was wearing a mask that changed whenever I was with different people. Had I gotten into makeup then, it probably would’ve made my sense of identity so much harder to find. I would’ve done makeup for all the wrong reasons and made my insecurities worse, and I wouldn’t be who I am today.

Today, I look more natural while playing around with eye shadow. My technique is horrible, and I make a weird face whenever I use my eyelash curler, but I have fun doing it. I like to learn about the different products and experiment with the colours or looks because I like them. The thing in makeup I struggle with the most is eyeliner and getting my eyelashes to stay curled. I have hooded mono lids and very Asian features, so my eyelashes grow straight out and don’t hold curls very well. I changed my eyelash curler and tried different techniques, but nothing worked. If you have tips, let me know because I would love to learn!

Thank you for reading; I hope you have a fantastic day or night whenever you’re reading.



The reason for the bow and arrow emojis is that I found this explanation of the bow and arrow and fell in love. One can take any symbol to mean whatever they want, so your meaning of a bow and arrow might differ from mine, and that’s okay. A bow and arrow help me keep my hope and determination in my future. An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it will launch you into something extraordinary. Just remember to focus and keep your aim.


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